Instruction manuals
BAT MkIII Filter Tips
Installation of the BAT MkIII Filter Tip
BAT Piezometer
BAT/IS-system for Pore pressure measurement
Pore pressure measurement with the BAT Piezometer Basic
BAT Permeameter
In-situ permeability measurement with the BAT Permeameter
Quick Manual – Clay Liner Permeability Testing
Quick Manual – Clay Liner Permeability Testing
Quick Manual – Inflow Permeability Testing
Quick Manual – Inflow Permeability Testing
BAT Groundwater Sampler
Sampling of groundwater using the BAT Sampler
Technical specifications
BAT MkIII Filter Tips
BAT MkIII Filter Tips
BAT Piezometer
BAT IS Sensor & IS Battery unit
IS Logger/GSM Module
BAT Sensor Basic & Pressure Indicator
BAT Permeameter
BAT Permeability Test container
BAT Groundwater sampler
BAT Groundwater Sample tube
BAT Field Kits
The equipment needed to perform the different functions of the BAT GMS has been arranged in user friendly Field Kits. Detailed information about the contents of the Field Kits is given in the respective Instruction Manual.
BAT Pore pressure kit
![BAT/IS-system Pore pressure kit](
BAT/IS-system Pore pressure kit
![BAT Basic Pore pressure kit](
BAT Basic Pore pressure kit
BAT Permeability kit
![BAT Permeability kit](
BAT Groundwater sampling kit
![BAT Groundwater sampling kit](
BAT GMS – system description
Torstensson, B-A, 1984. ” A New System for Ground Water Monitoring”.
Schellingerhout, A.J.G. & Torstensson, B-A, 1999. ” Ground water monitoring with the BAT-system”.
In-situ permeability testing
Schellingerhout, A.J.G., 2000. ” Theory of the BAT permeability test”.
Petsonk, A.M. et al., 1987. ” Field permeability testing for a RCRA landfill final cover”.
E.Koda; Z. Skutnik & C. Di Michele, 2004. ” Durability of vertical bentonite barrier for old sanitary landfill containment”.
Groundwater sampling
Blegen, R.P. et al., 1988. ” Field comparison of ground-water sampling devices”.